Hello Reading friend, how are you keeping up this September? Is it “Nyegering” or you have cast all your cares to the Lord?
I believe you all know how the life cycle goes and appreciate the gist of true “Lifeing”.

Awhile back while I was still at University, I believe I was very sociable and outgoing aka “Namikolo”. You would probably find me at every event I was invited to or interested in. I was always on the look out for opportunities until 2013 when I had my first turning point.
I tried to stay in touch with most people, but it was not like before. Fast forward around August 2019 when I joined G4G I set myself on a healing and redefining journey to find who I was before and what I enjoyed. This included actively engaging with others like in the past but most importantly investing in raising my daughter well.
Unfortunately, a few months into this journey in the wake of the pandemic, this daughter of mine changed physical address to go meet my grandfather. I purposed to stay the course and cast all my cares on the Lord through this grief.
I tried to stay in touch with the networks and communities I was plugged in through the season, but some days were hard and of course some networks were also lost along the way.
The last couple of weeks, saw one of my connections from the season Diana Ninsiima Kibuuka (now famously known as DNK) run for ULS President. What this meant for me was that I had to reach out to many former classmates and colleagues requesting for votes.

While it was exciting reconnecting with most of these people, I picked some lessons that I thought I would share with you all. These are not exhaustive but if you have experienced something similar, please add onto the list in the comment section.
- When you get off the scene, or life happens to you – the rest of the play continues. It is only the part you play that gets removed off the scene. In fact, someone else may take up that role in the play.
- When you decide to return, being assimilated back into the play won’t be as easy as you think. A lot has happened. A lot has changed. People have moved on. New stronger bonds have been built. The Plot of the play has probably changed so there may be a lot of unlearning and re-learning to do.
- If you are running for public office or anything that you pursue for that matter unless you are the President of Uganda, you will have to work hard and give the process over 110%. The usual 100% may not cut it. Actually, even the President goes the extra mile of visiting every district in the country.
- You must be consistent to win the trust of the people you are seeking to influence. You must take little steps daily to lead you towards the end goal and even after you get there, you must remain consistent.
- It is important to wear your armor of persistence and keep doing what you are doing even when you don’t want to. Imagine approaching someone and they roll their eyes at you or show you that you are not their candidate. You would feel deflated, no? Well, from DNK I learnt that you must persist and stay the course.
- They say Patience is a virtue and indeed this was a major highlight for me. You must keep going and not give up. This is related to persistence but significantly different. If you don’t succeed this time, go at it again. Who knows the next time might be the time you succeed. 😊
- Finally, and most importantly, build an authentic village – a village that will go out of their way to help, support and walk with you as you pursue your dreams. A village that will not only cheer you up but go the extra mile to offer physical, financial, and spiritual support. A versatile kind of village. It was humbling watching some of the ladies deep in prayer as others were distributing fliers and encouraging the voters to show up for DNK.
Nze as me, I had the absolute pleasure of hanging with people I never would have if it wasn’t for DNK. These ladies were very warm but again knowing DNK I wasn’t surprised; I was reminded that birds of the same feathers flock together and that quote of “show me your friends and I will tell you who you are” came to life.

I also want to take this opportunity to thank all my friends who braved the rain and the route to Entebbe just to vote DNK. You are my realest MVPs!
She may not be the new ULS President today, but through her we have been reminded that together we can do great things. Now, it’s time to go forth and support the president elect in advancing and delivering on the ULS mandate.
I wish you a wonderful rest of September as you build great villages for yourself and everyone connected to you. May God give you eyes to see these connections and embrace them for what they are meant to be and not what you want them to be.
Your virtual friend in Hope & Faith,