Create the love and magic you desire for yourself

February 28, 2023 Fortunate Ingabire 0 Comments

Hello friend, how was the month of love and how are you progressing on your healing and self love journey?

<img src="friends.jpg" alt="One day a month self treat. ">On a scale of 1-10, I think I am personally closing in at 5. Not where I want to be but I am progressing.

Today, I wanted to share with you a few things I have been learning about Shame. If you didn’t know, shame comes in many forms. Most of it is from our past experiences and this also has a way of messing with how much we love or even accept ourselves and others.

It could be failure, rejection, abuse, guilt, shattered dreams, a failed relationship, broken trust; it could be the way you view yourself or anything that embarrasses you or did in the past.

I don’t know which one of the above you occasionally deal with but I know that it doesn’t define you.

When you decide to bring your hurts and things that shame you into the light, hope and healing can be yours. They say that you can’t heal from what you don’t acknowledge. We all need to get to a place of acceptance.

The question is: Will you be brave enough to fight for your greatest hope by fighting through your greatest hurt? Acknowledging, calling that thing out and choosing to break free from it so that you can live healed.

The truth is that we all have things that have deeply hurt us, things we need to heal from. We need restoration and true freedom.

Our childhood wounds can be transformed into adult scars that are healed and sealed if we choose to heal.

You can absolutely look at all your past mistakes, your past pain, the parts of your story that you just want to forget, and declare that they don’t get to have the final say in your life. That’s exactly what Jesus did when He died for you and I — declaring that those things don’t get the final say, but God does.

See, friend, God is not done with you and I yet. Broken glasses are recycled into beautiful ornaments when the owner chooses to look at the incident of breaking differently!

We can all redefine our past for a more fulfilling present. Dear friend, it all starts from a place of ACCEPTANCE and thereafter making the deliberate CHOICE to HEAL.

As we start the magical month of March and go through the Lent season, may we come out happy, healed and whole. May you experience the magic of redemption and restoration.

Most importantly, remember that the power to create the love and magic we desire in our lives is on us.

As a challenge for the rest of the year, choose ONE day a month to do something for YOU. Something that you love and enjoy. Create the MAGIC as you let the world experience the gift that is you, God’s creation.

You are loved, friend. Live Free.

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Your virtual friend in hope and faith,


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