Dear Friend,
Thank you for being part of my blogging and writing journey for the last three years.
Credit for the consistency goes to the growth spaces I have been plugged into.
These include Girls 4 Girls Mentorship Program that I joined in 2019, the school of leadership course that I joined in January,2022, Vive Church since 2019, my workplace since 2015, my marriage since 2017 and of course the open secret place I have been in with my God since my first born and only child then changed physical address.
Everyone’s growth space is different, this has been mine-I missed the message in some seasons and I am still growing; I hope you identify yours too. (The growth and de-growth space).
I was also privileged to meet and do life with a special group of about five (5) young ladies and one (1) gentleman who continue to challenge me on my spiritual journey.
In our last couple of meetings with this group of friends, we have learned about our gifts and also been challenged to examine the state of our hearts. You can also learn more about your gifts here; therealyou.org
Our reference point for examining our hearts was Psalms 139:23-24 that reads;
Search me, God, and know my heart; test me and know my anxious thoughts; see if there is any offensive way in me and lead me in the way everlasting.
You must be wondering what the relationship between your gifts and the state of your heart is. Well, I will try to briefly break it down in my own human understanding using myself as an example. I hope it makes sense to you.
I know that one of my gifts is to encourage but if the state of my heart is not right, one of two things may result out of this;
- I will not effectively use my gift to encourage as God wills; or
- I will misuse my gift of encouragement to misguide others based on how I feel and how I view life in that moment;
Usually this happens when you have harnessed your gift, built trust with your community and are able to influence them based on the credibility you have built within that network.
As we enjoy the annual festivities and prepare for the new year 2023, I would like to encourage us all to be intentional about finding and harnessing our gifts so that we can thrive and grow into our God given assignments/callings/purpose as some other people call it in 2023.
Even more, that you will join me in examining our hearts so that we use our gifts in the right way in the new year.
Like a little child, may we start the new year with a renewed sense of wonder on what could go perfect. It is a privilege and a gift to have breath within our lungs right now in this moment we are in. Let us make it count for ourselves and baby Jesus. One of the ways, we can do this is by discovering our God given gifts and effectively using them for God’s glory.
In 2023, may we view every assignment we are given as an opportunity for us to manifest God’s goodness and glory in that place.
We are all called to greatness, we are the difference makers made to make an impact and we are here for a time such as this; to manifest his goodness as his glory shines upon us. The choice is ours.
May we also be intentionally aware so that we do not miss the season and time we are in. For some of us, the time has been redeemed; for others-the acceleration is right within the time. May we not miss our season.
From my household to yours, we wish you a mostly prosperous new year 2023 filled with God’s love, provision, restoration, and redemption of time. Stay firm in the knowledge that your time to thrive is here.
Your virtual listening and compassionate confidant in Hope & Faith,
Fortunate Ingabire aka F.I.R.M